the bucket list ne of themost sought-after experiences for safari enthusiasts, the GreatMigration is the ever-moving circularmigration of over threemillion animals across theSerengeti-Mara ecosystem that straddles the border betweenKenya and Tanzania inEastAfrica. The constantmovementof columnsofwildebeest, joinedby ahostof companions like zebraalongwith topi,elandand othergazelle, followanage-old route in searchofgrazing andwater.Thismunchingmultitude sharea common appetite for thewide-opengrassesof the savannahbut curiouslyZebra tend toeat the longgrasswhilstWildebeest feaston the thenexposed young shoots. It’sallabout teamwork -1.5millionwildebeestand400,000 zebra in peaceful coexistence.Due to the sheer sizeof theherd, the animalshave tomove tobeable to survive.Theherds generally follow the rain,aswhere there is rain, there is freshgrass.Oncegrass isdepleted inonearea, theywill moveon to thenextgrassyarea. After springtime calving in the southernpartofTanzania's Serengetinear theNgorongoroConservationArea (when nearly500,000 calvesareborn), theanimals journey through theSerengetiupandaround ina clockwisedirection towards theMasaiMara inKenya,before returningonceagainnear theendof the year.Along theway,highdrama isalways present,as thousandsofanimalsare takenbypredators (lions, leopards, cheetahs,Africanwilddogs and spottedhyenas)and thousandsmoreareborn, replenishing thenumbersand sustaining the circle of life.The columnsofwildebeestare so largeand long that they canbe viewed from space. At key crossings along theMara andGrumeti rivers themigrationbecomes a desparate frenzyas the multitudes cascade intoNileCrocodile-infestedwaters. It is a battle for survivalwith theweak, wounded or isolatedanimalspreyed upon bywaiting flotillas of these large reptileswhich canweigh up to 750kgs.Theyneed toget their fair share as they survive on one or two feedings a year so the toll is impressiveafterwhich the crocs going into semi-hibernation.Meanwhile,on the subjectof predatorialappetite,a fully grownmale lion can eat up to 40kgofwildebeest in one sitting rerpesenting one quarter ofhis own bodyweight. BothKenyaandTanzaniaoffer superlativeandoften veryexclusiveaccommodationswithinand around this immense cross-borderarea.What’smore,as themigration isa year-roundaffair your choiceof specific locationwillbedeterminedby the timeof the year.Butbewarned,mostof themost exclusive, luxury tented campsanddesigner lodges tend tobookout, so itpays toplanwell in advance toguarantee your ring-side seat for thegreatest showonEarth. O A series of features focusing on ‘Journeys of a Lifetime’ (4-8 page format) Eye-catching introduction pages with a full bleed hero image with a destination map and article with additional general interest vignettes. Depending on the length of the main article this may overflow onto page 3 together with further general interest vignettes as appropriate. This is accompanied by a number of brief hotel recommendations (choices are available): Comprisedof just two intimatecampsofnine tentedsuiteseachanda family tent;eachelegant tent,with itsownprivatebutlerandhousekeeper reflects the ambianceandglamourofKenyanexplorersofold.Slip intoaworldofhardwood floors,polishedsilverandcopperbathtubs juxtaposedagainst the romanceof theopenMaraplains,with theirabundantherdsofwildlife.Beautifully handcraftedartefacts,fineantiques, leatherbuttonedChesterfieldsofas,books, andcrystalandcandlelightadorn thecomfortablesittinganddiningareas. Refreshing lappools ineachcampprovidecoolcomfort inbetweencaptivating gamedrives.Delectablecuisine isserved inamemorablesettingbeneath the starsandbushbreakfastsand romanticsundownersofferanunforgettable Africanexperience.AdventuresatBateleurCamp include twice-dailygamedrives, includingspot-litnightdrives.Thecampalsooffersa rangeofadditional activitiessuchasbushwalks,hotairballoonsafaris,communityexcursions,a well-equippedgymandwellness treatments inourmassagesala. Setonaprivateconcession,withabundant iconicwildlifeandpanoramicMasai Maraviews,KichwaTemboTentedCampdazzleswith itscontemporarysafari feel. With timeless interiors thataresimpleyetsophisticatedandstylish, theCamp enhancesguests’senseofprivacyandenjoyment.12Classic tents,20Superior tentsandeightSuperiorView tents,are laidout in immaculategrounds,with leisurelygroupsofwarthog feeding rightoutside the tentdoors.Maasai-inspired interiorsfirmlyentrench&BeyondKichwaTemboTentedCampas theunrivalled luxury tentedcampof itssize in thegreaterMara. Massivewindows in thespaciousguestareas invite theMara insideand incorporatesplit-levelspaceswhereguestscan relaxandunwind.Pickandchoose delicious ingredients from theorganicgardenandenjoyconvivialconversations in the inviting interactivekitchen.Treatyourself toholistichealing in themassage tent, indulge ina rejuvenating treatmentorbrowse theSafariShop,offering the finestKenyanhandicrafts.The rim-flowswimmingpool, literallyon theedgeof the Mara,boastsoneof theworld’smostextraordinaryviews. Beyond Beyond TANZANIA SERENGETI TheSerengetiNationalPark,meaning“endlessplains”in theMaasai language, is undoubtedlyoneof theworld’smostcelebratedwildernessareasand isanongoing sourceof inspiration towriters,filmmakersandphotographers.Theexpanseof the SerengetiNationalParkcreates theopportunity forendless roamingassafari-goers pursue theirultimatewildlifeencounters.Ballooningover theplains itself isstunning, however, it isawe-inspiring toballoonover themigrationherd toactuallygeta panoramicviewof itsenormity. Whenplanningasafari to theSerengeti it is important toconsider transfer arrangements from internationalgateways likeArusha inTanzania.Anoverland transferwillbesomewhat lengthyandwouldbenefit fromstopoversen-route, perhapsonLakeManyaraoron the rimofNgorogoroCrater,which liealong the route into theSerengeti.Most likely,youwillopt forsomeelementofsmallaircraft transfer especially ifcontemplatingastay in thewesternandnortherncorridorsof thepark. &BeyondSerengetiUnderCanvas Experienceaclassic tentedsafari insoothingsolitudeandspectacular comfort,withonly thecanvaswallsofyour tentseparatingyou from thewondersof theSerengeti.Movingfive timesayear thecamps attempt toanticipate themovementsof theGreatMigration,bringing guestsascloseaspossible to thewildebeestaction,aswellas exploringmagnificent residentgame.With justnine tentsnestledat eachprivatecampsite,enjoy the luxuryofcompletecontentmentand nightsspent in theAfricanbush.Usingonlyprivatecampsites, these mobilecampsare intimateandexclusive.Theultimate in luxury camping,enjoyaprivatebutlerservice,chandeliers,silverware,crystal, ensuiteflushWC,outdoorheatedbucketstyleshowersand comfortablebedswithfluffyduvets. &BeyondGrumetiSerengetiRiverLodge is located in the remote western reachesof theSerengeti.Due to its far-flung location, there arevery few lodges in thispristinesectionof thepark,whichmeans thatguestscanexpect theultimate inexclusivity.The lodgehas undergoneextensive renovationsandwill reopen inJune2022 just in time for thepassingof theGreatMigration.Situated ina truly idyllic spoton thebanksof theGrumeti10nostalgicallyelegant,andvery spacious,guestsuitesoffernatural light,anenormousbed,bath,an indoorshower (withaspectacularview),andsparklingprivateplunge pool.Anew familysuitehasbeen incorporated featuringasmall additionalbedroomattached.Twice-dailygamedrives from the lodgeoftenencounter large lionpridesandclansofhyena,bigherds of residentplainsgameaswellas thespecialblack-and-white colobusmonkeys, foundnowhereelse in theSerengeti. &BeyondGrumetiSerengetiRiverLodge Ina remotenortherncornerof thegame-richSerengetiNationalPark, a10,000hectare (24,700acre)wildlifeconcession leased fromMaasai landlordsoffersguestsanexclusive,TanzaniansafariatKlein’sCamp. Consisting10ensuitestonecottagesperchedon theedgeof theKuka Hills, theCampcommandsbreathtakingviewsdown thevalley that borders theSerengetiand theMasaiMaraNationalReserveand witnesses themigrationpassage twiceayear inopposingdirections. Enjoyexclusivegameviewing, thrillingnightgamedrives (not allowed in theSerengetiNationalPark),bushdining,Maasaiculture andold-fashionedsafari luxury.Boastingoneof thefinestviews in Africa,spendafternoonsonyourpersonalverandahoverlooking smokyviewsofdistanthills.Woodedhillsides, rollinggrasslandsand forested riverbanks,all teemwith richwildlife in thisnaturalhaven. &BeyondKlein’sCamp SixSensesZilPasyon isa luxuryboutiquebeach resort in theSeychelles, locatedon theprivate islandofFélicité.Withother inner islandsnearby for activities,ZilPasyon issecludedandoffersguests theutmost inprivacyand luxury.SixSenseshave becomesynonymous inopeningseductively beautifulbeachhotelsandZilPasyon isa wonderfuladdition to thecollection.Thehotel is locatedabout55kilometresnorth-eastofMahé, andclose to thewell-known islandsofPraslinand LaDigue.Thedramaticgranitic island isaround one-squaremile insizeand ischaracterisedby its largegranitebouldersandpicture-perfectbeaches. AnantaraMaiaSeychellesVillashas just30beautifullyspacious villassetalong thebeachandacross the lushhillsideoverlooking thebayofAnseLouisonMahé.Thebeach isasnature intended, secludedandquiet,and thehoteloffersawonderfully understated luxury.Thesmallnumberofvillasmakes thisavery exclusive resortwhereservice ispersonaland tailor-made toeach client.Even in the restaurant there isnosetmenuwith thefive chefschatting toclientsandadvising themon thebestdishes to suit their taste.Theexpansiveandelegantvillasareahighlight; privateandspacious theyofferan intimateandpeacefulescape withachoiceofbothoutdoorand indoorspace inwhich to relax. For those thatcan tear themselvesaway from thecomfortof their villas, thisboutique resortalsooffersavarietyofwatersports. Pamperingandwellnessarealso the focusat theBalinese-style spa,whichoffers instruction inHathayogaandQigong,aswellas restorative treatmentsperformed inopen-airpavilions. SixSensesZilPasyon Private islandofFelicite AnantaraMaiaSeychellesVillas Mahe Island bliss inthe seychelles Afteranaction-packedEastAfrican safari,with earlymorning startsand long safaridrives nothingbeatsabitofdowntimeon theglorious beachesof the IndianOceanasa relaxingand fitting rewardafter the thrillsof the savannah.You couldeasily splita two-weekholiday intoequal measuresofwildlifewonderand the tropical island idyll. Approximately threehoursflightimeand900 mileseastof theAfricanmainland with regular flights toMahe frombothNairobi (Kenya)and Arusha (Tanzania) the islandsof theSeychelles offer theultimatedreambeach destination. WhenGeorgeHarrison said“"Everyone should have themselves regularlyoverwhelmedby Nature"hecouldwellhavebeen referring to special timeshe spent in theSeychelles,wherehe hadavillaon themain islandofMahe. It isalso not surprising that thesenature richpearlsof the IndianOceanareconsidered in somequartersas the siteof the ‘GardenofEden’.There isa real senseofa sanctuarywhereexoticplants thrive, coconutsareheart-shaped (CocodeMer)and tortoisesand turtles feelverymuchathome. Thebeachesarenaturalworksofartwith porcelain-white sands sittingbeneath forest canopiesand lappedbybrightbluewaterswhere huge,weather-worngraniteboulders frame some of theworld’sbest-lookingbays.Findingyourown pieceofEden iseasyas thereareover115 islands toexplore, someuninhabitedandothershosting someof theworld’sfinestprivate island retreats. ImagineaRobinsonCrusoe luxuryparadise likenoother, wherearchitectsSilvioRechandLesleyCarstenshave createdaprivatesanctuary for theenvironmentallyminded travelleronan islanduninhabited forover thirty years.With its fourbeaches locatedateachendof the compass,ayear-roundwonderful tropicalbeachand islandexperience isguaranteed.This isNorth Island - larger thanMonteCarlo,yetwith just tenexceptional villasandoneVillaNorth Island,hewn into thedramatic granite rocks.Thevillasofferbeachviews from the luxuriouslyproportionedbedroomcompletewith,sundeck, lounge,up-to-the-minute technologyandplunge pool;aprivatevillaattendantcaters toeveryneed. Dining isabespokeexperienceas the resort'schefcaters toguests' tastes.Relaxwithapicniconaprivatebeach andenjoynaturewalkswith the resident island ecologist.Enjoypersonalisedholistic treatmentsat the spaorexplore thecrystallinewaterswithguided snorkellinganddivingorcharterayacht tovisitoneof thenearby islands. North Island,aLuxuryCollectionResort Private IslandofNorth Island
Contents ne of themost sought-after experiences for safari enthusiasts, the GreatMigration is the ever-moving circularmigration of over threemillion animals across theSerengeti-Mara ecosystem that straddles the border betweenKenya and Tanzania inEastAfrica. The constantmovementof columnsofwildebeest, joinedby ahostof companions like zebraalongwith topi,elandand othergazelle, followanage-old route in searchofgrazing andwater.Thismunchingmultitude sharea common appetite for thewide-opengrassesof the savannahbut curiouslyZebra tend toeat the longgrasswhilstWildebeest feaston the thenexposed young shoots. It’sallabout teamwork -1.5millionwildebeestand400,000 zebra in peaceful coexistence.Due to the sheer sizeof theherd, the animalshave tomove tobeable to survive.Theherds generally follow the rain,aswhere there is rain, there is freshgrass.Oncegrass isdepleted inonearea, theywill moveon to thenextgrassyarea. After springtime calving in the southernpartofTanzania's Serengetinear theNgorongoroConservationArea (when nearly500,000 calvesareborn), theanimals journey through theSerengetiupandaround ina clockwisedirection towards theMasaiMara inKenya,before returningonceagainnear theendof the year.Along theway,highdrama isalways present,as thousandsofanimalsare takenbypredators (lions, leopards, cheetahs,Africanwilddogs and spottedhyenas)and thousandsmoreareborn, replenishing thenumbersand sustaining the circle of life.The columnsofwildebeestare so largeand long that they canbe viewed from space. At key crossingsalong theMaraandGrumeti rivers themigrationbecomesadesparate frenzyas the multitudes cascade intoNileCrocodile-infestedwaters. It isabattle for survivalwith theweak, woundedor isolatedanimalspreyeduponbywaiting flotillasof these large reptileswhich canweigh up to750kgs.Theyneed toget their fair shareas they surviveononeor two feedingsa year so the toll is impressiveafterwhich the crocsgoing into semi-hibernation.Meanwhile,on the subjectof predatorialappetite,a fullygrownmale lion caneatup to40kgofwildebeest inone sitting rerpesentingonequarterofhisownbodyweight. BothKenyaandTanzaniaoffer superlativeandoften veryexclusiveaccommodationswithinand around this immense cross-borderarea.What’smore,as themigration isa year-roundaffair your choiceof specific locationwillbedeterminedby the timeof the year.Butbewarned,mostof themost exclusive, luxury tented campsanddesigner lodges tend tobookout, so itpays toplanwell in advance toguarantee your ring-side seat for thegreatest showonEarth. O The Great Migration The grand spectacle of the Serengeti & Masai Mara heGalápagos Islands, located roughly 600miles off the coast of Ecuador, remained a closely-guarded natural secret formillions of years.Over that time, the archipelago evolved into a home for an all-star cast of plants and animals,manywith unusual traits to their moreworldly cousins.Sometime in the 1800s, some adventurous navigators and intrepid explorers started arriving in theGalápagos Islands. Themost famous early visitorwasCharlesDarwin, a young naturalistwho spent 19 days studying the islands' flora and fauna in 1835. In 1859, Darwin published ‘On theOrigin ofSpecies’,which introduced his theory of evolution - and theGalápagos Islands - to theworld. Since then,wordof these islandsand theirmagnificentbeautyhas steadilygrown. In1959, the GalápagosbecameEcuador's firstnationalpark,and in1978, itwasnamedaUNESCOWorld Heritage site.Today,more than275,000people visit theGalápagosevery year to see those incredible animalsand landscapes for themselves.Asamazingas you think theGalápagos Islandswillbe, they routinelyexceedexpectations. It'saplacewhere lizards swim,birdswalk,andhumans, foronce,do not take take centre stage. The firstdecision youhave tomakeabout visiting theGalápagos Islands isalso themostdifficult. Do youwant to stay inahotelononeof the three inhabited islands,exploringother islandsandareas viaday-tripboat rides?Or,do youwant tobebasedona live-aboardboat,whichprovides accommodationsand transportation from island to island?With theever increasing choices for waterborneexperiences, it ismost likely the case that youreyewillbedrawn to the various luxuryboatsnow circuiting the islands.Theirultimateadvantage is the luxuryof travellingovernight fromone island to thenext, so that youare on-site fora fulldayofexplorations. Most live-aboardboatsoffer5-8day itineraries,with setdeparturedates and routesand timed to coincidewithair connections from themainland. RoutesaredictatedbyGalápagosNationalParkofficials tomitigate crowdingandenvironmental stress.Yourboatwillprovideanorthernor southern itinerary (sometimes calledeasternandwestern itineraries), alternatingweekly.Both includewonderful landexcursions,plentyof time in thewater,andampleopportunities to see the famous floraand faunaof theGalápagos. In itselfa visit to theGalapagos isaworthy ‘once ina lifetime’ experience,but combinedwitha visit to the Inca sitesofPeru it wouldassumeamagnificence todraw thebucket twice inonego! T Galápagos Galápagos hu heGalápagos Islands, located roughly 600miles off the coast ofEcuador, remained a closely-guarded natural secret formillions of years.Over that time, the archipelago evolved into a home for an all-star cast of plants and animals,manywith unusual traits to theirmore worldly cousins.Sometime in the 1800s, some adventurous navigators and intrepid explorers started arriving in theGalápagos Islands.Themost famous early visitorwasCharlesDarwin, a young naturalist who spent 19 days studying the islands' flora and fauna in 1835. In 1859,Darwin published ‘On the Origin ofSpecies’,which introduced his theory of evolution - and theGalápagos Islands - to the world. Since then,wordof these islandsand theirmagnificent beautyhas steadilygrown. In1959, theGalápagos becameEcuador's firstnationalpark,and in1978, it wasnamedaUNESCOWorldHeritage site.Today, more than275,000people visit theGalápagos every year to see those incredibleanimalsand landscapes for themselves.Asamazingas you think theGalápagos Islandswillbe, they routinelyexceedexpectations. It'saplacewhere lizards swim, birdswalk,andhumans, for once,donot take take centre stage. T Machu Picc Machu Picchu & the Wonders of Peru ontinent time capsules, their contents showing remarkable levelsofpreservation thanks to thedryand cold climate. From the towering icebergs,massiveglaciers andabundantwildlife–bothmarineand terrestrial–of theAntarcticPeninsula to the rocky inletsand rugged cragsof theSouth Orkney Islands some600 kilometresaway. The vastpenguin coloniesofSouthGeorgia, last restingplaceof legendarypolarexplorer SirErnestShackleton,and theFalkland Islands,aquaintoutpostofBritainpopulated by sheep farmersandabundantbirdlife. During the courseof thisunforgettable ‘expedition’cruise youwillnavigate ice floes wherewhalesplayand seabirds soarand learnabout thepristineenvironment youare exploring throughenriching lecturesand commentary fromaward-winningexpedition teamofnaturalists,marinebiologistsand polarexperts. Falklands Islands Ushuaia ANTARCTIC PENINSULA South Georgia SouthOrkney Islands BuenosAires The white c Abucket listtravel experience ormost of the year the ‘WhiteContinent’of Antarctica is too cold and inhospitable to visit, but for a few shortmonths, at the height of the polar summer it softens its icy grip enabling a variety of expedition-grade ships of varying luxury tomake theirway across theDrakePassage, leaving the southern port ofUshuaia in Tierra delFuego,Argentina to explore theAntarcticPeninsula in a round trip thatmight also include visits to some of the remote islands of theSouthAtlantic like SouthGeorgia,SouthOrkney and of course,TheFalklands. TheNorth-Westportionof theAntarctic Peninsula is themost frequently visitedby expedition cruisesand ishome tomanyof the mostpopular landing sites.TheGerlacheStrait is renowned for the stunning scenerywith the snow coveredmountains,as if covered in icing sugar,withnumerousglaciers tumblingdown to the sea. Being themostnortherlypartof thewhole continent, thePeninsulaenjoys themildest Antarctic conditions,with temperatures inwinter averagingabalmy -20degreesC (-4degrees F)! In the summer, thingswarmup toan averageof justabove freezing.Largeareasof thispartof thepeninsulaare ice-free in the early season,being importantbreedingand feedinggrounds formany iconicAntarctic species. It'shere thatmanyof thehistoricAntarctic expeditionsbegan,andwhereearlymilitaryand scientificbaseswere firstestablished, someof which youwillbeable to visit if conditionsallow. These remarkableartefactshavebeen leftas F Cloaked inglacial iceand surroundedbyblue seasburstingwith life, Antarctica is the last trulywildplaceonEarth. The White Continent of Antarctica 4 18 26 32 A series of features focusing on ‘Journeys of a Lifetime’ (6-8 page format) . Click on page image to fast-track to specific article. Some articles have alternative pages. OF THE NILE Abucket listtravel experience ith its unparallelled cultural and archaeological heritage,Egypt has been attracting visitors for centuries and from the days of Napoleon a series of spectacular discoveries havewhetted the appetite ofmodern visitors. Whether it’sGiza’smonumental pyramids, Luxor’s colossalValley of theKings, or the incomparable riverNile, this country is generous with its riches TheNile is the jugulaofNorthEasternAfrica.From its sources in Ethiopia (WhiteNile)andUganda (BlueNile), the river flows for 6.650km througheleven countries, itsmain tributaries joining togetheratKhartoum in theSudan.Aspectaculardamprojectat Aswan completed in1970 saw the creationof the vast reservoirof LakeNasserand theendingof theannual floodingof theNile Plain.However, itwas thisphenomenon that shaped theancient EgyptianandNubian civilisations.The silt-richbanksof the river supportedall theagricultureand the river itselfwas thehighway for commerce.Great citiesand fabulous temples lined the shores whilst theencroachingdesertwasheldatbay.Today, it is the ultimatearchaeologicalwater ride supporting flotillasof floating hotelson journeysbetweenCairoall thewayup river to theAswan Dam. The stretchof theNilebetween theancient cityofLuxorand Aswanhasaparticularlyhigh concentrationofancient sights so youwill find thatmost river cruises tend to focuson thisarea, Guestsgenerally start theiradventurewitha fewnights inCairo so that they can tune in toancientEgyptwitha visit to thePyramids ofGizaand the soon tobeopened (Autumn2022)GrandEgyptian Museumwhichwillhouseover50,000antiquities includingall the belongingsofKingTutankhamun,all inoneplace for the first time inhistory.FromCairoanonward1hour flightbrings you toLuxur, yourembarkationpoint for the cruiseofa lifetime. W TREASURES Treasures of the Nile Luxury river cruising along the waterways of ancient Egypt 38
o you want to island hop around the Pacific, visit Africa's incredible cities, and cruise through Asia and around the Americas without ever switching hotels, boarding a flight, or repacking your bags? An aroundthe-world cruise provides the ultimate itinerary, packed with exciting international ‘Bucket List’ destinations (some even visit hardto-reach destinations like Easter Island and Antarctica), and the world’s most accomplished luxury cruise lines will give you a super privileged day to day onboard lifestyle with sumptuous accommodations, a splendid variety of specialty restaurants, and a constant programme of things to do on and off the ship. D around the world cruise mekong he Galápagos Islands, located roughly 600 miles off the coast of Ecuador, remained a closely-guarded natural secret for millions of years. Over that time, the archipelago evolved into a home for an all-star cast of plants and animals, many with unusual traits to their more worldly cousins. Sometime in the 1800s, some adventurous navigators and intrepid explorers started arriving in the Galápagos Islands. The most famous early visitor was Charles Darwin, a young naturalist who spent 19 days studying the islands' flora and fauna in 1835. In 1859, Darwin published ‘On the Origin of Species’, which introduced his theory of evolution - and the Galápagos Islands - to the world. Since then, word of these islands and their magnificent beauty has steadily grown. In 1959, the Galápagos became Ecuador's first national park, and in 1978, it was named a UNESCO World Heritage site. Today, more than 275,000 people visit the Galápagos every year to see those incredible animals and landscapes for themselves. As amazing as you think the Galápagos Islands will be, they routinely exceed expectations. It's a place where lizards swim, birds walk, and humans, for once, do not take take centre stage. The first decision you have to make about visiting the Galápagos Islands is also the most difficult. Do you want to stay in a hotel on one of the three inhabited islands, exploring other islands and areas via day-trip boat rides? Or, do you want to be based on a live-aboard boat, which provides accommodations and transportation from island to island? With the ever increasing choices for waterborne experiences, it is most likely the case that your eye will be drawn to the various luxury boats now circuiting the islands. Their ultimate advantage is the luxury of travelling overnight from one island to the next, so that you are on-site for a full day of explorations. T the mighty m Cloaked in glacial ice and surrounded by blue seas bursting with life, Antarctica is the last truly wild place on Earth. family measures taken by organisations like the World Wildlife Trust and the African Wildlife Association have managed to reverse the dwindling numbers. In fact, numbers have doubled over the last decade to over 1,000. Since human encroachment is the biggest threat initiatives like the acquisition of extra land in 2018 directly adjacent to Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda by the AWF has expanded the great ape habitat. Engaging with the local communities and teaching them the value of animal tourism has also been central to the resurgence, so for once we can really say that specialist tourism has been a lifesaver! In 2016, Volcanoes National Park generated $16.4 million from park entry fees. It’s efforts like these that will continue to help develop livelihood strategies that complement conservation. Of course, the story began with a moving film ‘Gorillas in the Mist’, based on the true story of anthropologist Dian Fossey, whose travels to the African wilderness began as a study of the rare mountain gorillas and became a single-minded devotion to protect the animals from poachers and those who would capture the great apes to ship them off to zoos. Her interaction with the gorillas, observing their social behaviour, gaining their attention and trust, recognising their own inquisitiveness in their human cousins are fundamental ingredients that make gorilla trekking the unique, ‘bucket list’ experience that it is. 79 meet the Gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda n a world full of shocking stories about climate change and animal extinction the recovery in numbers of the mountain gorillas of East Africa is a promising story of the fight to reverse the plight of endangered species. The Virunga Mountains, a chain of volcanoes in East Africa that run along the northern border of Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Uganda, are home of the critically endangered mountain gorilla, listed on the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List of Endangered Species due to habitat loss, poaching, disease, and war. Many believed that by the turn of the millenium that they would be extinct, but extraordinary I hen it comes to a true definition of ‘bucket list’ luxury travel experiences, probably one of the best definitions is absolute exclusivity, where you travel to a remote and beautiful corner of the world, and you have this world to yourself. In Zambia these dreams will come as it offers some of the finest, small camp safaris in all Africa in wildlife rich national parks like North and South Luangwa, the Lower Zambezi and Kafue. This is a country that pioneered the walking safari, an experience which ranks high in our ‘once in our lifetime’ holiday experiences. To start your journey in suitable style a chauffeur will whisk you to London’s St Pancras Station, where you'll board a Eurostar train for the cross-channel hop to Lille, from where you'll be met for a transfer to Calais where you’ll lay eyes on those signature blue-and-gold carriages. Climb aboard and as you are guided to your oak-panelled cabin or suite note how you’re stepping back in time to a more elegant and Spend your evening mingling with other passengers in the Bar Car, listening to an accomplished pianist while you sip perfectly prepared pre-dinner signature cocktails. Alternatively toast your exceedingly good taste with a vintage champagne from the train’s extensive selection. As dusk begins to settle, sink into your seat in one of the three beautifully restored restaurant cars, prepare to feast on lobsters from Brittany or salt marsh lamb from Mont St Michel as the train pauses in Paris, before seeing out the evening with a night cap and discovering that your cabin has been discretely converted into a sleeping bottom W Lower Zambezi NP Lake Kariba Victoria Falls South Luangwa NP North Luangwa NP Kafue NP Liuwa Plain NP Sioma Ngwezi NP LUSAKA LIVINGSTONE MFUWE Q Q Q ANGOLA MOZAMBIQUE ZIMBABWE ZNAMIBIA MALAWI TANZANIA DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO A walk on the wild side Cloaked in glacial ice and surrounded by blue seas bursting Around the World Cruise with recommendations for 2024, 2025 & 2026 The Mighty Mekong Cambodia, Laos & Vietnam Meet the Family Encounter with the Gorillas 52 58 66 72 A Walk on the Wild Side A walking safari in Zambia he mystique and romance that follows the carriages of the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express across Europe is a very memorable way to begin a truly unforgettable holiday around Italy. This is the world’s finest train and its stately passage from Calais to Venice recalls the glory days of refined, luxury travel. Share the experience with like-minded travellers, dining in style in the beautifully renovated restaurant carriages before heading to the saloon for cocktails and perhaps a bit of musical entertainment. Retire to your private cabin, which will have been discretely converted into a sleeping compartment. Climb the upholstered ladder to your upper berth or snuggle down under luxury linen on the bottom bunk to be lulled by the movement of the train as you roll east, overnight, towards the Alps. Unless you’re travelling in a Grand Suite of course, and have the indulgent luxury of a double bed. Rise the next morning as the train delivers you to the perfect gateway to a grand tour of Italy, the floating city of Venice Owing to its fabulous climate, enviable gastronomy, fantastic wines, beautiful scenery, magnificent architecture and rich heritage, Italy has long been a favoured haunt for British travellers even stretching back several centuries when the privileged few embarked on expansive “Grand” tours lasting many months. These days the luxury grand tourer is more likely to be somewhat “time” poor, so will want to squeeze a lot into a small period of time. For those in search of the superlative Italian experience there can be no doubt that two or three weeks spent in the company of Belmond staying at their impressive collection of iconic hotelsacross the Italian mainland and Sicily offers a worthy 21st century reworking of the classic Grand Tour. T tHE gRAND tOUR of italy 47 VENICE FLORENCE Portofino Ravello Taormina ROME NAPLES Casole D’Elsa The Grand Tour of Italy including the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express 46 Las Vegas Los Angeles Chicago St. Louis Tulsa Oklahoma City Santa Fe Albuquerque Springfield Gallup Amarillo Bloomington route 66 Get your kicks on.... n the 24 July 1911, a Yale University history lecturer named Hiram Bingham III climbed to the top of a mountain ridge in Peru and encountered one of the most extraordinary sets of ruins on Earth. He thought he had discovered the the ‘lost city’ of Vilcabamba, the last refuge of the Inca Manco Capac II, who fought against the Spanish conquerors in the 1530s. He believed that to the end of his life, mistakenly as it turned out, and he was fascinated by the mystery and magic of the place, with the great snowy peaks looming above it. In truth, The Spanish conquistadors never saw the city and consequently never wrote about it. Its mysteries continue to baffle researchers although it is now thought by some that Machu Picchu may have been the mountain retreat of the great Inca emperor Pachacutec (‘He who Shakes the Earth’), abandoned at some point after his death in 1472. The iconic sight of the mountain top city is the jewel in the crown of any visit to Peru, but this South American country has so much more to offer from its glistening Pacific coastline, historic cities, sacred valleys, the Altiplano and the world’s highest lake (high plateau region) and the tropical forests and riverways of the upper Amazon. It is one of those very special world destinations with an extraordinary diversity of geography and culture all contained in one colourful country. O 78 Route 66 Get your kicks on... Main Street USA
ne of the most sought-after experiences for safari enthusiasts, the Great Migration is the ever-moving circular migration of over three million animals across the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem that straddles the border between Kenya and Tanzania in East Africa. The constant movement of columns of wildebeest, joined by a host of companions like zebra along with topi, eland and other gazelle, follow an age-old route in search of grazing and water. This munching multitude share a common appetite for the wide-open grasses of the savannah but curiously Zebra tend to eat the long grass whilst Wildebeest feast on the then exposed young shoots. It’s all about teamwork - 1.5 million wildebeest and 400,000 zebra in peaceful coexistence. Due to the sheer size of the herd, the animals have to move to be able to survive. The herds generally follow the rain, as where there is rain, there is fresh grass. Once grass is depleted in one area, they will move on to the next grassy area. After springtime calving in the southern part of Tanzania's Serengeti near the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (when nearly 500,000 calves are born), the animals journey through the Serengeti up and around in a clockwise direction towards the Masai Mara in Kenya, before returning once again near the end of the year. Along the way, high drama is always present, as thousands of animals are taken by predators (lions, leopards, cheetahs, African wild dogs and spotted hyenas) and thousands more are born, replenishing the numbers and sustaining the circle of life. The columns of wildebeest are so large and long that they can be viewed from space. At key crossings along the Mara and Grumeti rivers the migration becomes a desperate frenzy as the multitudes cascade into Nile Crocodile-infested waters. It is a battle for survival with the weak, wounded or isolated animals preyed upon by waiting flotillas of these large reptiles which can weigh up to 750kgs. They need to get their fair share as they survive on one or two feedings a year so the toll is impressive after which the crocs go into semi-hibernation. Meanwhile, on the subject of predatorial appetite, a fully grown male lion can eat up to 40kg of wildebeest in one sitting representing one quarter of his own bodyweight. Both Kenya and Tanzania offer superlative and often very exclusive accommodations within and around this immense cross-border area. What’s more, as the migration is a year-round affair your choice of specific location will be determined by the time of the year. But be warned, most of the most exclusive, luxury tented camps and designer lodges tend to book out, so it pays to plan well in advance to guarantee your ring-side seat for the greatest show on Earth. O
The Masai Mara forms the northernmost point of the 1,000km Great Migration round circuit with the most concentration between August and October. The Mara River proves a tricky obstacle and is the scene of frenzied crossings as the animals move into the Masai Mara for the lush grazing on offer during the summer, before turning southwards once more in November back into the Serengeti. In terms of game viewing the Masia Mara tends to benefit from its more compact size in comparison to the vastness of the Serengeti bringing the animals into a tighter mass. Even so it still covers an area of 580 square miles (1,510 sq km) and is the jewel in the crown of Kenya’s network of game reserves. The Masai Mara is a portion of the larger Mara Ecosystem which includes a surrounding belt of private concessions and protective ranches, all of whom work together recognising the significance of protecting the wilderness and wildlife that live in the region. When planning a safari to Kenya, a stay in the Mara is always recommended. 6
Comprised of just two intimate camps of nine tented suites each and a family tent; each elegant tent, with its own private butler and housekeeper reflects the ambiance and glamour of Kenyan explorers of old. Slip into a world of hardwood floors, polished silver and copper bathtubs juxtaposed against the romance of the open Mara plains, with their abundant herds of wildlife. Beautifully handcrafted artefacts, fine antiques, leather buttoned Chesterfield sofas, books, and crystal and candlelight adorn the comfortable sitting and dining areas. Refreshing lap pools in each camp provide cool comfort in between captivating game drives. Delectable cuisine is served in a memorable setting beneath the stars and bush breakfasts and romantic sundowners offer an unforgettable African experience. Adventures at Bateleur Camp include twice-daily game drives, including spot-lit night drives. The camp also offers a range of additional activities such as bush walks, hot air balloon safaris, community excursions, a well- equipped gym and wellness treatments in our massage sala. Set on a private concession, with abundant iconic wildlife and panoramic Masai Mara views, Kichwa Tembo Tented Camp dazzles with its contemporary safari feel. With timeless interiors that are simple yet sophisticated and stylish, the Camp enhances guests’ sense of privacy and enjoyment. 12 Classic tents, 20 Superior tents and eight Superior View tents, are laid out in immaculate grounds, with leisurely groups of warthog feeding right outside the tent doors. Masai-inspired interiors firmly entrench &Beyond Kichwa Tembo Tented Camp as the unrivalled luxury tented camp of its size in the greater Mara. Massive windows in the spacious guest areas invite the Mara inside and incorporate split-level spaces where guests can relax and unwind. Pick and choose delicious ingredients from the organic garden and enjoy convivial conversations in the inviting interactive kitchen. Treat yourself to holistic healing in the massage tent, indulge in a rejuvenating treatment or browse the Safari Shop, offering the finest Kenyan handicrafts. The rim-flow swimming pool, literally on the edge of the Mara, boasts one of the world’s most extraordinary views. Beyond Beyond 7
The award-winning Cottar’s 1920s Safari Camp has its own 7608-acre private conservancy and is situated one kilometre from the famous ‘seventh’ natural wonder of the world, the Maasai Mara in Kenya and the Tanzania Serengeti game reserve. Owned and managed by the oldest established and continuing safari family in Africa it extends an era of luxury and quality and returns to the original spirit and essence of ‘safari’. Cottar’s 1920s Safari Camp provides the romance of safari under cream canvas tents, the style of the bygone era of the twenties, while at the same time supplying the amenities required by today’s modern world travellers and professional guides whose qualifications are the highest in Africa. Offering an abundance of wildlife, a guarantee of privacy, and the highest standards of professional guiding in a luxurious and authentic camping environment. Kenya Masai Mara The Masai Mara forms the northernmost point of the 1,000km Great Migration round circuit with the most concentration between August and October. The Mara River proves a tricky obstacle and is the scene of frenzied crossings as the animals move into the Masai Mara for the lush grazing on offer during the summer, before turning southwards once more in November back into the Serengeti. In terms of game viewing the Masia Mara tends to benefit from its more compact size in comparison to the vastness of the Serengeti bringing the animals into a tighter mass. Even so it still covers an area of 580 square miles (1,510 sq km) and is the jewel in the crown of Kenya’s network of game reserves. The Masai Mara is a portion of the larger Mara Ecosystem which includes a surrounding belt of private concessions and protective ranches, all of whom work together recognising the significance of protecting the wilderness and wildlife that live in the region. When planning a safari to Kenya, a stay in the Mara is always recommended. 8
Mahali Mzuri means 'beautiful place' in Swahili and is Sir Richard Branson’s 12-tented luxury safari camp located in the private Olare Motorogi Conservancy in the wider Maasai Mara ecosystem in Kenya. Due to Mahali Mzuri's excellent location on the Kenyan plains, you’ll have a front row seat, not just to the annual great migration, but also to the abundant game you can see all year round. During the twice daily game drives, you will have the opportunity to see lions, wildebeest, elephants, giraffes and cheetahs, but that's just for starters! At Mahali Mzuri, the super stylish tented suites make for the perfect retreat during your stay. The camp can cater for up to 24 guests at any one time, so you are guaranteed peace and quiet, as well as the legendary Virgin Limited Edition customer service at all times. 9
TANZANIA SERENGETI The Serengeti National Park, meaning “endless plains” in the Maasai language, is undoubtedly one of the world’s most celebrated wilderness areas and is an ongoing source of inspiration to writers, filmmakers and photographers. The expanse of the Serengeti National Park creates the opportunity for endless roaming as safari-goers pursue their ultimate wildlife encounters. Ballooning over the plains itself is stunning, however, it is aweinspiring to balloon over the migration herd to actually get a panoramic view of its enormity. When planning a safari to the Serengeti it is important to consider transfer arrangements from international gateways like Arusha in Tanzania. An overland transfer will be somewhat lengthy and would benefit from stopovers en-route, perhaps on Lake Manyara or on the rim of Ngorogoro Crater, which lie along the route into the Serengeti. Most likely, you will opt for some element of small aircraft transfer especially if contemplating a stay in the western and northern corridors of the park. &Beyond Serengeti Under Canvas Experience a classic tented safari in soothing solitude and spectacular comfort, with only the canvas walls of your tent separating you from the wonders of the Serengeti. Moving five times a year the camps attempt to anticipate the movements of the Great Migration, bringing guests as close as possible to the wildebeest action, as well as exploring magnificent resident game. With just nine tents nestled at each private campsite, enjoy the luxury of complete contentment and nights spent in the African bush. Using only private campsites, these mobile camps are intimate and exclusive. The ultimate in luxury camping, enjoy a private butler service, chandeliers, silverware, crystal, ensuite flush WC, outdoor heated bucket style showers and comfortable beds with fluffy duvets. 10
&Beyond Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge is located in the remote western reaches of the Serengeti. Due to its far-flung location, there are very few lodges in this pristine section of the park, which means that guests can expect the ultimate in exclusivity. The lodge has undergone extensive renovations and will reopen in June 2022 just in time for the passing of the Great Migration. Situated in a truly idyllic spot on the banks of the Grumeti 10 nostalgically elegant, and very spacious, guest suites offer natural light, an enormous bed, bath, an indoor shower (with a spectacular view), and sparkling private plunge pool. A new family suite has been incorporated featuring a small additional bedroom attached. Twice-daily game drives from the lodge often encounter large lion prides and clans of hyena, big herds of resident plains game as well as the special black-and-white colobus monkeys, found nowhere else in the Serengeti. &Beyond Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge In a remote northern corner of the game-rich Serengeti National Park, a 10,000 hectare (24,700 acre) wildlife concession leased from Maasai landlords offers guests an exclusive, Tanzanian safari at Klein’s Camp. Consisting 10 ensuite stone cottages perched on the edge of the Kuka Hills, the Camp commands breathtaking views down the valley that borders the Serengeti and the Masai Mara National Reserve and witnesses the migration passage twice a year in opposing directions. Enjoy exclusive game viewing, thrilling night game drives (not allowed in the Serengeti National Park), bush dining, Maasai culture and old-fashioned safari luxury. Boasting one of the finest views in Africa, spend afternoons on your personal verandah overlooking smoky views of distant hills. Wooded hillsides, rolling grasslands and forested river banks, all teem with rich wildlife in this natural haven. &Beyond Klein’s Camp 11
The private Grumeti Game Reserve is a 140,000 hectare safari destination bordering the Serengeti National Park to the north east and lies directly on the annual path of the Great Migration. Singita Sabora Tented Camp is a small and very stylish camp located on the plains of Grumeti Game Reserve offering sumptuous levels of comfort in each of the nine tented suites including ensuite bathrooms with both a shower and deep bath tub as well as a private terrace can relax on the day bed overlooking the nearby waterholes where game accumulate. The advantage of staying in a private reserve is the ability to go on both day and night game drives. Curiously the camp has two vintage cars, which are used for short drives and even though you are in the wilds the camp has both a swimming pool and a tennis court. Guests also have access to the facilities of nearby Singita Sasakwa Lodge. For those in search of solitude, Singita Sasakwa Lodge is the ideal place to stay. Set in a 340,000 acre private concession, on a hill with dramatic, elevated views, guests have this wild stretch of Africa all to themselves. Nine beautifully appointed airconditioned cottages, each with four-poster beds, en suite bathroom and a private infinity-edge pool overlooking the sunkissed Serengeti plains. The area is home to large herds of game that provide incredible sightings all year round - skillfully guided and far from the madding crowds. Dedicated, personal service and relaxing spa facilities enhance the experience. 12
TANZANIA SERENGETI The Serengeti National Park, meaning “endless plains” in the Maasai language, is undoubtedly one of the world’s most celebrated wilderness areas and is an ongoing source of inspiration to writers, filmmakers and photographers. The expanse of the Serengeti National Park creates the opportunity for endless roaming as safari-goers pursue their ultimate wildlife encounters. Ballooning over the plains itself is stunning, however, it is awe-inspiring to balloon over the migration herd to actually get a panoramic view of its enormity. When planning a safari to the Serengeti it is important to consider transfer arrangements from international gateways like Arusha in Tanzania. An overland transfer will be somewhat lengthy and would benefit from stopovers en-route, perhaps on Lake Manyara or on the rim of Ngorogoro Crater, which lie along the route into the Serengeti. Most likely, you will opt for some element of small aircraft transfer especially if contemplating a stay in the western and northern corridors of the park. 13
Six Senses Zil Pasyon is a luxury boutique beach resort in the Seychelles, located on the private island of Félicité. With other inner islands nearby for activities, Zil Pasyon is secluded and offers guests the utmost in privacy and luxury. Six Senses have become synonymous in opening seductively beautiful beach hotels and Zil Pasyon is a wonderful addition to the collection. The hotel is located about 55 kilometres north-east of Mahé, and close to the well-known islands of Praslin and La Digue. The dramatic granitic island is around one-square mile in size and is characterised by its large granite boulders and picture-perfect beaches. Anantara Maia Seychelles Villas has just 30 beautifully spacious villas set along the beach and across the lush hillside overlooking the bay of Anse Louis on Mahé. The beach is as nature intended, secluded and quiet, and the hotel offers a wonderfully understated luxury. The small number of villas makes this a very exclusive resort where service is personal and tailor-made to each client. Even in the restaurant there is no set menu with the five chefs chatting to clients and advising them on the best dishes to suit their taste. The expansive and elegant villas are a highlight; private and spacious they offer an intimate and peaceful escape with a choice of both outdoor and indoor space in which to relax. For those that can tear themselves away from the comfort of their villas, this boutique resort also offers a variety of water sports. Pampering and wellness are also the focus at the Balinese-style spa, which offers instruction in Hatha yoga and Qigong, as well as restorative treatments performed in open-air pavilions. Six Senses Zil Pasyon Private island of Félicité Anantara Maia Seychelles Villas Mahe Island 14
bliss in the seychelles After an action-packed East African safari, with early morning starts and long safari drives nothing beats a bit of downtime on the glorious beaches of the Indian Ocean as a relaxing and fitting reward after the thrills of the savannah. You could easily split a two-week holiday into equal measures of wildlife wonder and the tropical island idyll. Approximately three hours flightime and 900 miles east of the African mainland with regular flights to Mahe from both Nairobi (Kenya) and Arusha (Tanzania) the islands of the Seychelles offer the ultimate dream beach destination. When George Harrison said “"Everyone should have themselves regularly overwhelmed by Nature" he could well have been referring to special times he spent in the Seychelles, where he had a villa on the main island of Mahe. It is also not surprising that these nature rich pearls of the Indian Ocean are considered in some quarters as the site of the ‘Garden of Eden’. There is a real sense of a sanctuary where exotic plants thrive, coconuts are heart-shaped (Coco de Mer) and tortoises and turtles feel very much at home. The beaches are natural works of art with porcelain-white sands sitting beneath forest canopies and lapped by bright blue waters where huge, weather-worn granite boulders frame some of the world’s best-looking bays. Finding your own piece of Eden is easy as there are over 115 islands to explore, some uninhabited and others hosting some of the world’s finest private island retreats. Imagine a Robinson Crusoe luxury paradise like no other, where architects Silvio Rech and Lesley Carstens have created a private sanctuary for the environmentallyminded traveller on an island uninhabited for over thirty years. With its four beaches located at each end of the compass, a year-round wonderful tropical beach and island experience is guaranteed. This is North Island - larger than Monte Carlo, yet with just ten exceptional villas and one Villa North Island, hewn into the dramatic granite rocks. The villas offer beach views from the luxuriously proportioned bedroom complete with, sundeck, lounge, up-to-the-minute technology and plunge pool; a private villa attendant caters to every need. Dining is a bespoke experience as the resort's chef caters to guests' tastes. Relax with a picnic on a private beach and enjoy nature walks with the resident island ecologist. Enjoy personalised holistic treatments at the spa or explore the crystalline waters with guided snorkelling and diving or charter a yacht to visit one of the nearby islands. North Island, a Luxury Collection Resort Private Island of North Island 15