Contents ubai isoneexotic location that seamlesslycombines traditionand ambition,as shown through itsawe-inspiring skyscrapers,which look like theycameoutofa sciencefictionmovie,magnificent historical structures that showcase their long-held tradition,and souqs thatwill take youbackata timewhen theyareyouronlyalternative toa shoppingcentre.What is amazing inall these, is thatmodernity isnot loston traditionsandviceversa.To say that thiscity,whichhas literally risen from thedesert in the spaceofa short lifetime, isa fascinating traveldestination isanunderstatement.There is simplynooneword thatcan reallydescribe thisamazingplace,becausewhenyoudoget to seeand experience it, therewillbenowords todescribeexactlyhowyou feel. Dubai United Arab Emirates Amman Jerash Jerusalem Aqaba WadiRum DeadSea Petra Kerak Ma’an Eilat (RedSea) Pella DanaBiosphereReserve Umm Qais (Gaddara) asyouweave through thewinding canyonfloor the senseof expectation increases inoneof travel’smost revealingwonders -a true Indiana Jonesmoment.There are fewplaces thatcan instilmoremysteryandawe than theapproach to theTreasuryat theancientRoseCityof Petra.Undiscovered formore thanamillennium, this rock-hewnancientNabateancity isoneof theworld’s archaeological jewels,andeven today,new sitesare beingexcavatedandnewmysteriesare slowlybeing unravelled. It is thecentrepiece toamagicalMiddleEastern journeyofdiscovery. Whileyoucanmarvelat the grand scaleofPetrabyday, seeing itatnight iswhenyou truly feel thepowerof itsmagic.After the sungoesdown, takeyourfinalwalk into theSiq (the road that leads to thecity) now litwithpaper lanterns so thatyoucan fullyappreciate thevelvetynight skyand the MilkyWayvisiblebetween thecracks in the cliffsabove.Then,arrive to theTreasury litby nothingmore thanafieldofcandlesasBedouin tribesmenplaymusicandpassaround sweethot teaon silver trays. It isoneof themostenchanting experiences in Jordan,and the idealway towave goodbye to thisgreatandmajesticmonument. Jordan Marrakech Meknes Fes RABAT Casablanca Essoauira CascadesD’Ouzoud TodraGorge Ouarzazate Agadir Oualidia Taghazout Tangier Morocco rom themedinaofMarrakech to the surfofEssaouira,via theSahara and the snow-dustedAtlasmountains,Morocco is infusedwithabout asmuchvibrancyas its famousmint tea.Berber,ArabicandEuropean flavoursmingle:discover sand-sweptkasbahs,palm-fringedpoolsand tagines that (meaty, fruity)dreamsaremadeof.Surf-seekerscancatchawaveon thewild Atlanticcoast.Backondry land,Ouarzazate is theplace to startyour transSaharanadventure,and totalold-world immersion (and souks fullof local-made souvenirs)awaiton the storied streetsofFez. Morocco 10 24 30 AbuDhabi Jurayrah Dubai teeped in theancientculture andheritageofArabia,Abu Dhabi is the ‘islandcity’of the Gulf,withacoastlineofmore than200 islands. Discover the strong traditionofdeserthospitality that liveson in thecapitalcityof theUnitedArabEmirates. Strollalong theCorniche.Thiswaterlinepromenade is repletewith sandybeaches, lushgreengardensand the AbuDhabi fountain.Thendiscover thecity’scultural side in itsnewSaadiyatCulturalDistrictonSaadiyat Island, which features incarnationsof theLouvreand Guggenheimmuseums.Fine shoppingmallsand restaurantsareallwithineasy reach. Oneof themost spectacularF1GrandPrix races takes place in the lateautumnat the futuristicYasMarina race circuit,whose facilitiesareopen to thepublic including trackdaysandexpert tuition.VisitFerrariWorld,home to theworld’s fastest rollercoaster,before torrentsof funat YasWaterworld.Venture inlandona4x4 safariandyou’ll discover thedramaticdesert,mountainsandwadis.You mightevenextendyour stay in thedesert (seepage8). Combiningyear-round sunshineand superb leisureand recreational facilities,AbuDhabicanoffercultural experiences,action-packedholidaysor just indulgent escapesat someof theworld’sfinesthotels. Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates 4 A series of focus articles on regions of the Middle East and North Africa with recommendations for an appropriate selection of 4 and 5-star hotels and resorts in each region covered. Click on page image to fast-track to specific article. Israel 18