Postcards from... Booklet 2022

Unveiled in 1908, the Excelsior quickly became one of the most eminent hotels of Europe and to this day, maintains an air of sophistication.The property was completely renovated in the winter of 2012 and has some superb facilities, including its own extensive private beach, swimming pool and large terraces. It is a good option for those wanting a seaside location with the attractions of Venice a short boat ride away (a complimentary shuttle service operates throughout the day to and from St. Mark’s Square). All 197 bedrooms look over a stylish inner courtyard, the sea or have views of the distant sights of Venice. Imagine walking out of your hotel room and stopping for a moment to admire the colours of the sunset reflecting in the waters of Venice Lagoon. Imagine walking through the tiny, colourful streets of Burano or nearby Mazzorbo; it’s easy to disconnect and enjoy a day of true relaxation. Here is a truly different take on the Venetian break (40 minutes by Vaporetto to Venice). Here in the calm of the outlying islands you can experience a world of Michelin star dining from chefs Chiara Pavan and Francesco Brutto and fine wines. Be inspired by the history and heritage of these islands and experience their crafts, nature and gastronomic traditions firsthand. The Centurion Palace, near the Monastery of San Gregorio, retains its splendid Venetian-Gothic facade, but just step inside and you find yourself in a magical ambience which blends luxury with the latest fashion trends. The 50 rooms and suites, no two of which are the same, have colourful custom-designed wallpapers and furniture, and stunning views of the Grand Canal and over the rooftops of Venice. Staying in the Presidential Suite, which has large picture windows overlooking St. Mark’s Square, is something you will never forget. And the gilded resin bathrooms with white accessories have been designed so that each one is unique. In walking distance to Campo San Polo, Ponte di Rialto bridge and the gothic Santa Maria ai Frai church. Hotel L’Orologio is inspired by watch making and contains various references to this is its décor, as well as a selection of bespoke furniture, original tapestries and vintage leather. This boutique hotel is perfect for couples, close to the fish market, which is great for enjoying tapas. An alternative and modern hotel, it was designed by Prada architects. For ultimate privacy of your own home in Venice, book the Deluxe Apartment. Excuse the pun, but this is definitely a place where you will spend the most magical time! Sina Centurion Palace L’Orologio Hotel Excelsior Venice Lido VenissaWine Resort , Burano Island TheBaglioniHotelLuna iscloaked inhistory.Astone’s throw fromSt.Mark’sSquare, thepalazzodatesto1118,andthroughouttheyearshasundergonetransformations fromaconvent intoanaristocraticpalace.Today’shotelbrimswithoriginaldetails, like ornate stuccowalls,Murano chandeliers,watercolorpaintings,goldfixtures andoriginalceiling frescoes in theMarcoPoloballroom thatareattributed topupils ofTiepolo, the18th centuryVenetianpainter. Insteadofplaying secondfiddle to thepricelessartwithin, theculinaryofferingshold theirown,especiallyataward- winningCanova restaurant, renowned for itsmenuandextensivewinecellar. SanMarco1243 Artandgastronomy inharmony BaglioniHotel Luna HotelHeureka FondamentaGasparoContarini,Cannaregio BoutiqueStyleSanctuary Located inCannaregio,away fromthehustleandbustleofStMark'sSquare,butclose enough toexploreall that thecityhas tooffer,HotelHeureka isaboutiqueproperty with just10 luxuriousbedrooms Carvedoutofa16thcenturypalazzo,overlooking the tranquilMadonnadell’OrtoCanal, thebuildinghasbeen restored tobringback the splendourof itsoriginsmarriedwith the vibrant lookof thepresent.There is a joyousandecleticstylewheresomebedroomshave restored frescoesandstatement bathtubsby thebed.Othershave show-stoppingbathroomsand four-posterbeds with lavishdrops. Italsohasagarden,which isa rarityon themain island. Ruggero reignsat theBlackCat The islandofBurano, famed forexquisite lace- makingand colourfulhouses, isalsohome tooneof Venice’smost charming family restaurants.Husband andwifeRuggeroandLucia seta jovial tone for“The BlackCat”while sonMassimiliano shareshispassion forwineasa resident sommelier.Feastonhyper- local specialities likehomemade tagliolininoodles with spider craborBurano-style risottowith small fish from the lagoonwaters surrounding this canal- sidegem.Book inadvanceotherwiseyoumayfind yourself ina largequeueofopportunists.A favorite sundayouting for the locals. So fresh thechefdecides themenudaily OsteriaAlleTestiere isa tiny restaurant in the southeast districtofCastello.Easy tomiss, this tiny restaurantwas opened20yearsagoby friendsLucadeVitaandBruno Gavangninand seats just22diners ina spaceofonly35m2. ChefBruno changeshismenuevery singleday,offering local fishand seafood from the lagoon in the freshand light style traditionalofVenetian cuisine like tinypilgrim scallopswith mintand lemonand thehouse specialityofartichokeand ricotta ravioli servedwith local langoustineandprawns. Hittingall the rightnotes Founded in1720asa coffeehouseandonceameetingpoint forglitteratiheading to thenearby Fenice theatre, thishistoric spotwas rebornasagourmet restaurant in1952.Operadiva,Maria Callas,wouldhead thereaftera spiritedperformanceand it retains its reputationasoneof the city’s finest restaurants to thisdayattractingnewagedivas likeElton John. CourtesyofNannaDis AmanVenice isas luxuriousandcharmingas thecity itfinds itself in.Located in apalazzoby the sideof thepicturesqueGrandCanal, thehotel includesprivate gardensandboastsanumberofdecorative treasures, includinggilded ceilings, 16th-centurywallcoveringsandTiepolo frescoes.Despite itshistorical influences, theaccommodation includesa rangeofmodernamenitiesand facilities.Many of the suites have sumptuous sitting roomswith stunning views of theGrand Canal.For fullRenaissance immersionopt for theAlcovaTiepoloSuite,which is adornedwithexquisite frescoesby themasterhimself. ThePickofVeniceHotels Highly recommended luxuryhotelswithverydifferentappeal inprime locations GrandCanal Joy inGiudecca With sweeping views across theVenetian lagoon, the 96-room Cipriani is the definitionof luxuriousperfection.Unlike its competitorsacross thewater It is set amid lushgardens and vineyardsonpeacefulGiudecca Island, justfiveminutes fromSaintMark'sSquarevia theprivatecourtesy launch.Sumptuous roomsand suitescapture theessenceofVenicewithMuranoglass,antiquemirrors,and fabrics by FortunyandRubelli.Dineon thewooden terraceof theCip'sClub restaurant, facing theDoge'sPalace,or in thestunningMichelin-starredOroRestaurant.Swim in theOlympic-sizepoolorenjoyamassage in theCasanovaWellnessCentre. Cipriani, aBelmondHotel Ama n Venice In The Know Asyouwouldexpect ina tourist hotspotVenicehasgaineda reputation foroverpricedbut poorqualityeateries.Thisdoes agreatdiservice to the true heroesandcustodiansof the ofa richculinaryheritage -you justneed toknowwhere togo... dishes.Alsoverypopularbut seasonalare moeche , smallgreencrabsfishedout of the lagoon in the springwhicharecookedandeatenwhole, shell included. Taking time toappreciateVenice is so importantbecauseotherwise itwillbe justa fairgroundattraction. Be inquisitive,walkdown thenarrowestalleys to discoverquiet squares.Geta local to recommend their favouritecornerand the trueVenicewill reveal itself. A likelydestinationmightbe thedistrictofCannaregio,which is locatednear the railway station. It is theareawith themostbridgesandwas the Jewish ghettoof thecity.Booka tourwith the JewishMuseum to learnabout the historyof thearea,orexploreand try tofind the three ‘hidden”‘synagogues (look fordomesandarchedwindowswhich identify theseplacesofworship). Talkingabout tight spots, squeeze intoCalle (street)Varisco.Locatedwithinone of themost secludedplacesof thecity ina seriesof intricately twistingalleys, thedead-end streetofCalleVarisco is surmountedby littlearchesand isonly 53cm (21in)wide.Legendhas it thatmurdererswouldbecrushedby thewalls should theyventuredown it. ComeeveningCannaregiooffers someof thebestandmostauthenticnightlife in thecity,especiallyalong theFondamentadeiOrmesini.Whynot rub shoulderswith the localsoverdrinksatBarTimonbeforeadeliciousdinnerof fresh seafoodand some livemusicatParadisoPerduto,avenuewitha long historyofgreatvibesand some surpriseperformers. Arise thenextmorningandplanmorediiversionsas thecrowdsdescendon the usualsites -wherenext foryou? Thebeachesof theLido, thecolourfulhouseson sleepyBurano IslandoraglimpseofwhatVenicemighthave looked like if tourism hadnotexistedwithavisit to thesouthof the lagoon to the townofChioggia. Giudecca Absolute joyonGiudecca V enice isquite simply themostbeautiful antique in theworld.An impressively preservedhistoricalcityofhigh Renaissanceartandarchitecture in strictly controlled isolation in themiddleofa sheltered lagoon.Andherein lies its inherentmodern flaw -daylightassaultbyhordesofdaytrippers,butas the light fails thebusloadswilldepart (with the remains of theirpacked lunch)andcruisepassengerswill re- embark for thenext legof theirwhistle-stop7/10night Mediterranean seaadventure.Now is the time to discover theVeniceof theVenetians. What is for sure is thataprincipalmotivation to spend somenights inVenice is for loversandbonviveurs todrinkat thewellof love, lifeand libation for there isnowheremore romanticand ifyouare in theknowyouwillalso discover thatVenetiansare renowned for theirdeliciouscuisine.This isnot surprising since thecitywasbuilton thewealthof trade,whichwould naturallyenrich thepossiblities for thepalette.Ofcourse, fruitsof the sea takeprecedentwithdishes like bigoli insalsa (pasta inananchovy sauce), risottoalnerodiseppia (risottocookedwithcuttlefish ink)and sarde insaor (sardinespreserved ina sweetand sourmarinade)amongst themost famous