Postcards from... Booklet 2022

D enmark was one of the first countries to embrace a post-covid relaxation of restrictions and positively yearns for you to visit. And well you should because Copenhagen, its capital, as Carlsberg beer magnate and philanthropist, Carl Jacobsen, might have said probably the best city in the world to visit. Perhaps its manageable size is part of the appeal, since it manages to pack so much into a small footprint. Historic monuments, quaint cobbled streets, and cutting-edge new architecture seem to flow gracefully together in a meandering waterside cityscape. And the best bit of it all is that it is best appreciated by foot or better still on two wheels making for a thoroughly pleasant urban experience. Be like the Danes, get on your bike! The French have because in 2022 the Tour de France will start there. Copenhagen actually extends from the main island of Zealand across to the island of Amager where the international airport is situated. Lying at the eastern edge of a country with a staggering 1,419 islands, the next nearest city is Malmo in Sweden connected by the Oresund Bridge, an amazing feat of engineering, which includes a 5km bridge, an artificial island and a tunnel with a total distance of 13kms. In itself this is a spectacular sight and if time allows might be good reason to hop across to Malmo for the day. However, the sights of Copenhagen will certainly keep you more than occupied on a long, weekend break.